Tag Archive | Helping Others

An Experience Like No Other

Isaiah 58:7 says:  Is it not right to share your food with the hungry and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter?

As most of you know the local churches have begun a program to house and feed the homeless in our area during the winter months. I had the privilege of serving in that ministry of good will last night by serving a hot meal to them.  They were people just like you and me that have fallen on very hard times and just need some support and kindness.  No I do not know their stories but you know they are hurting.  It was amazing to me how happy they all seemed and grateful beyond words for even a friendly “Hello” or “How are you today?”   We talked and laughed with them because they were no different then anyone else.  Remembering that in God’s eyes they are just like us.  God loves them as much as he loves us and he calls each of us to help those less fortunate.  It truly blessed me probably more then them.

Psalm 82:4 says:  Rescue the weak and the needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked.

None of us know what tomorrow will hold for us and I am sure they never thought they would be in this situation.  Let’s all join in prayer that the homeless in our area and throughout our world will find food, shelter and peace by knowing our Lord Jesus Christ,  for He will deliver them for the pit of darkness if they will only believe and accept his blessings.  Go out and see how you can be a blessing to someone today less fortunate then yourself….there are MANY in need of our help.

Love in Christ,
